Add New Node
Baseline Series
The primary series on which all the simulations are done. Baseline series can be chosen while creating a scenario.
Bulk Editor
It is used to edit and configure multiple nodes at one go.
Closed Period
Time periods in Plan Series that is locked/disabled for planning and allocations;
it contains the actuals which can be used for forecasting the open period.
Comments are available in ValQ Enterprise Edition using which you can collaborate with your team.
Comparison Series
The other secondary series in your model which can be used for comparison against the baseline series and the simulated series/scenarios.
Composite Nodes
Nodes that are inter-related can be viewed together at once by grouping them in a single node structure on tree view. They are composite nodes.
Conditional Formatting
Rule-based color formatting on the nodes based on their variance or node values.
Constant Node
Constant node has a single value for the node and hence its total is not aggregated by time.
You can assign the minimum and maximum threshold values for a node beyond which the users are prompted with a warning. This option is available under Display section in the Node Settings window.
Copy to Periods
Copy a period's value to other periods while planning.
Create New Model
Explore the different ways of creating a model by clicking here.
Custom Model
A blank model where you can key in your values and customize the node configurations from scratch.
Data Series
A row or column of numbers usually referring to one or multiple full year data.
Datasource Nodes
Nodes that get their values from the data source. They are referred in ValQ by their complete lineage.
Derived Nodes
Nodes that are part of the model but not used in any calculations.
Total value of a node can be allocated to its periods or dependencies using Distribute option.
Dynamic Model
Model that gets built automatically from the source data after assigning the fields.
Dynamic Children
New nodes that are added to the model as children, from the data source. It can be done by Add New Node->Data
Edit Simulation
Manually enter or change the simulation values.
Empty Series
Blank model where the user keys-in values from scratch.
Enterprise Edition
ValQ edition that has storage, export and collaborative features like adding comments, writeback, etc. as well as user security features like access level permissions.
Bottom pane in the Model tab that shows the errors and their description which occurs during model building/editing.
Predict the future values of KPIs and key drivers to achieve the desirable business outcome using time series forecasting.
Formula Editor
This window at the bottom of Model tab displays the formula contained in the formula type-nodes along with the lineage of nodes.
Goal Seek
Estimate the correct value for the value driver (input value) to achieve the target goal value (output value).
Hidden Nodes
Nodes that are hidden from view in the simulation canvas
Key Input
Any node that drives the business outcome in a model.
Any node that is a measure of business performance in a model.
Leaf Nodes
Nodes at the last level of the model that do not have child nodes.
Linked Node
Nodes that are linked share the same node value, properties, configuration and simulation so that they mirror each other. Nodes are linked when the same node is required in many instances in the model.
Lock or unlock specific cells in your plan series so that they are unaffected during planning, allocations and forecasting.
A timeline of activities performed in the Plan tab which can be viewed to keep track of the changes.
Model Tab
Build your business models with ease along with the desired customizations using the model tab.
A single unit and the building block of a model that can be a category, a sub-category, a period or a total value.
Node Settings window
Configure all the properties of the node in this window.
Add key ideas, technical/business information and even informal notes that you can refer to later by adding notes to specific nodes in the model.
Open Period
Time periods in Plan Series that are open/editable for planning, allocations and forecast.
Refers to the time frame like a month, a quarter, a year, etc. which usually becomes the columnar data in ValQ.
Plan tab
Presentation Mode
Present the simulation results and scenario analysis visually to your team using the presentation mode available.
Preview the selected node's values on a period level.
Refresh Data source
Refresh Data can be used in case of any changes to the input data. On refresh, the plan gets updated and the allocation performed on the plan gets re-applied on the recent data.
Report tab
Report Style
Analysis report is available in four different styles which can be chosen from Report Style menu.
Scenario Comparison
Multiple scenarios and plan series created can be compared alongside each other for a overall analysis.
Search option is available in all the four tabs of ValQ which is used to instantly search for a node in a model.
Simulate Tab
Simulation Impact
Variance or Difference between the Scenario(Simulated Series) and the Baseline series.
Table View
Data can be viewed in a tabular format using the Table View option in Simulate tab, including variances, simulation impact and trendlines (Plan tab's default view is table view for planning and allocations).
Template refers to a common layout of nodes that can be used to create a model having repetitive pattern of node structure. The template is created once as per the user's needs and can be reproduced any number of times to build the model.
Template Keys
Nodes that connect the template structure you created and the data source.
Difference between the Baseline series and the Comparison series.
Variance Breakdown
Split up of the variance with respect to its calculation components/dependent nodes.
Workspace or Account
It refers to ValQ workspace account in Enterprise.
Last updated