Steps to create initiatives
Enable Initiatives
Initiatives can be enabled by turning on the toggle button in the Settings menu as shown below.
Initiative and Scenario Views
When initiatives are enabled, the simulation slider appears only on the 'Initiatives' view and not on the 'Scenario' View. In other words, users can only simulate the initiatives rather than the whole scenario.
To toggle between both views use the Initiatives/Scenario dropdown menu.
Initiative View
Choose Initiatives from the Initiatives/Scenario dropdown menu. In this view, you can perform all the necessary simulations on the drivers in both the tree and the table view.
Add/Edit/Delete Initiatives
The menu at the top allows you to add, edit, delete and navigate between different initiatives.
By default, every scenario has an initiative, Initiative 1. This means that all the simulations you make on Initiative 1 are also the simulations for Scenario 1 if the scenario has only one initiative.
Add Initiative: Click on the +Add option beside the Initiatives dropdown menu. A new initiative is created where you can perform the required simulations.
View/Navigate: Use the dropdown menu to navigate between the different initiatives. After navigating to the required initiative, you can see the simulation results corresponding to that initiative.
Rename: Initiatives are named as Initiative 1, Initiative 2, and so on by default. You can use the pencil icon beside it to rename it.
Delete: Click on the bin icon to delete the desired initiative. You cannot delete Initiative 1 which is the default initiative.
You can find below the image that illustrates the above actions.
Scenario View
Choose Scenario from the Initiatives/Scenario dropdown menu. This gives the overall scenario results where you can view all the initiatives' aggregated simulation impact.
The numbers on the simulated nodes indicate the number of initiatives in which they have been simulated. Hovering over the numbers, you can view the simulation impact of all the initiatives on that specific node.
To analyze the overall impact of specific initiatives individually or collectively, click on the 'Initiatives' dropdown which opens a table containing the details of included and excluded initiatives.
Select an initiative and then click the arrows to move it from included to excluded, or vice versa. This allows you to view their simulation results accordingly.
Last updated