Copy to Periods
Copy to Periods copies a node's period value (or new value if it is edited) to the future periods of that node. This action gets applied to the changing node's dependent nodes, if any.
The Copy feature is available in the following ways:
Copy to Periods option can be applied on the period nodes only (not on the total nodes as the total value can not be copied to individual months). It is also not applicable for the last period -e.g. December.
1. Copy to all Periods in right
The original value or the edited value of the selected node is copied to the subsequent periods till the end.
In the Plan tab, click on the cell that is required to be copied. Use the right arrow that pops up. Select Copy to right-> Copy to all periods in right.
To edit a period's value and copy the edited value across the remaining periods, double-click on the cell and change the value you need.
Without pressing Enter, select Copy to right->Copy to all periods in right.
The new value takes the place of the existing value and then ValQ re-calculates the total based on the time aggregation set for the node.
In the below example, January month's Cost of Sales value of $2740 is changed to $1k. Without pressing Enter, click on the pop-up at the right and choose Copy to all Periods in right.
The edited value is copied horizontally to the other periods along with a bottom-up distribution to the above nodes as highlighted in yellow in the below image.
For nodes with dependents, check here to know how the copy option works with both top-down and bottom-up distribution.
2. Copy with Trend Percentage
The value of the selected period is copied to the remaining periods with a month-over-month increase or decrease in percentage.
Click on any cell that is not a total. Choose Copy to right-> Copy with Trend Percentage->Enter the desired percentage trend you want.
3. Copy with Trend Value
The value of the selected period is copied to the remaining periods with a month-over-month increase or decrease of a constant value.
Click on any cell that is not a total. Select Copy to right-> Copy with Trend Value->Enter the desired positive or negative value(month-over-month increase or decrease).
Nodes with dependents
When there are dependent child nodes for a node, you will have additional options - Allocate by current weight, Allocate equally or Customize Distribution in the Copy to Periods dropdown. Here you can specify how the change should be distributed to its dependencies(top-down) along with copying to periods.
In the below image, Expense node has two child nodes and hence copying the new value not only copies it to the periods but also distributes the new value to its two child nodes-Cost of Sales and Other Costs.
Example 1: Copy to periods and dependencies with current weights
The option shown below copies the new value of 6k (Expense node) to its remaining periods in the right as well as distributes it to its dependencies with current weights.
Example 2: Copy to periods and dependencies with customized weights
The option shown in the below example copies the new value of 6k (Expense node) to its periods and also distributes it to its dependencies, with customized weights derived from the series - Plan Series 1 (chosen in Select Series).
Using the Copy to Periods dialog box
For all the above options, alternatively, you can use the Copy To Periods dialog box.
Step 1: Click on any cell whose value you want to copy to other periods.
Step 2: Click the Copy To Periods option on the Action Menu Bar.
Step 3: A dialog box appears. Here, you can enter the desired value.
Step 4: Choose if you want to just Copy or Copy with Trend. Copy copies the same values to all the remaining periods till the end, while Trend gives you further options.
Step 5: If you have selected Trend, choose whether the mode of increasing or decreasing trend should be in percentage or value.
Step 6: Use the slider or manually enter the values. Enter the percentage change in case of percentage mode or the incremental value in case of value mode and finally click Apply.
In the example, the Expense node value $3k is copied to the remaining periods with an increasing trend of 20%. Since the Expense node has dependents, its total is distributed according to the weights of periods in Plan Series 1 as shown below.
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