An OR statement returns TRUE if at least one of the conditions is TRUE and returns FALSE when all the conditions evaluate to FALSE.


OR(logical_test1, ...logical_test2?)


Return Value

Either True or False values that are given in the arguments.


OR function accepts multiple conditions.


Consider the below scenario in which if the Sales Quantity is greater than 50 or the usage Customer Ranking is 1, the price should be $20 else $25.

To achieve this, the following formula should be written in the [Price] node:

IF(OR([Sales Quantity]>50,[Customer Ranking]==1),20,25)


As you can see from the above table, the result will be 20 even if one of the conditions is true and it will be 25 only when both of the conditions are false. In Feb, both of the conditions are True & in Jan, Apr and May one of the conditions is true. So the result is 20. But in Mar both the conditions are false, so the result is 25.

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