Perform Simulations

ValQ provides two ways to model the simulation outcomes for your ‘what-if’ questions.

1. Using the Simulation Slider

Using the simulation slider is an intuitive way to simulate the nodes. The slider is available for all the simulation methods such as Change%, Growth% and Constant.

1.1. Tree View

In tree view, hover over the desired node to reveal a slider. Clicking and dragging the slider changes the value in the cell. It also shows a percentage change with an up or down arrow as you keep moving the slider to the right or the left. The values and the total get updated once you release the slider.

Another way of interacting with the slider is using the text box next to it.

Just hover over the node and click on the text box beside the slider. Enter the required simulation percentage in the box. E.g. For a percentage increase in total value, enter positive values such as 10 or 10% and for the percentage decrease you can use negative values like -5 and so on.

In the below image, the 'Cost of Sales' node is decreased by 5%.

Simulation results are represented in the following ways:

  • The impact of simulation rolls up all the way to the top node and all these impacted nodes are highlighted in blue for a while.

  • Display of change percentage above the nodes with an up or down arrow indicating the %increase or %decrease respectively.

  • Conditional formatting (color indication) on the nodes based on their variances/values.

  • Trendlines in the nodes are updated dynamically based on the new variances.

  • The KPI ribbon at the top shows the new variances and the simulation impact on the KPIs.

  • Variance, Variance% and Simulation Impact% on the nodes get changed.

  • Display of simulation summary at the top that stacks all the simulated nodes with simulation percentage.

Conditional formatting of the nodes, Trendlines and Secondary KPIs can be shown or hidden as required using the Settings menu at the top right corner of the canvas.

1.2. Table View

The slider is also available in Table View for all the total value cells when you click on them. As you click, a slider pops up. Click and drag the slider to change its value.

Table view has an Actions column which contains frequently used options like view node details, add note, simulation disabled icon, edit node and add or remove KPIs/ key inputs.

You can also click on the pencil icon beside the slider to open the text box in which you can enter the simulation value in percentage.

Simulation results are represented in the following ways:

  • Impacted cell values are highlighted in blue.

  • Change the percentage beside the highlighted cells indicating the %increase or %decrease.

  • The slider symbol is displayed in the Actions column of the table for the nodes on which the simulation has been performed.

  • Conditional formatting (color indication) beside the cells based on their variances/values.

  • Updated Trendlines showing the original and the simulated variances.

  • The KPI ribbon at the top shows the new variances and the impact of simulation on the KPIs.

  • Variance, Variance%, Simulation Impact and Simulation impact% are displayed on the table when you enable them.

  • Display of simulation summary at the top that stacks all the simulated nodes with simulation percentage.

Choose to display or hide the Trendlines, variance and its percentage, Simulation impact and its percentage, conditional formatting and cell highlights by using the Settings menu at the top right corner of the canvas.

2. Manual Input

Manual Input can be used to input a specific value as a simulation to the node. This action is allowed at both total as well as at period level for nodes that have simulation enabled on it.

2.1. Tree View

To edit or manually input the simulation value on a node, click on the Edit Simulation icon that is available next to the slider.

This opens a grid consisting of the total node value and the period values where you can double-click on any of the cells (total node/ variation % /individual period) to enter a new value or use expressions like +20% or +10k to edit them, similar to the in-cell editor of the Table View. The Bin icon is used to reset the simulation of the particular node.

You can also click on the Edit icon at the top to open this table. Clicking this icon displays a table of all the simulated nodes at once where you can view/edit them at the period level.

The Simulation results shown are discussed here already.

The Simulation method is change% by default. It can be changed to growth%, constant values, etc. on the Node Settings window.

2.2. Table View

In the table view, double-click on the total value or on the individual period values to edit the old value to a new one. ValQ also allows to enter expressions with scaled values (e.g., 11250 + 0.5k) and percentages (e.g., 11250 - 10%).

You can also click on the required cell, then go to the formula bar and edit to a new value.

You can also use keyboard shortcut keys to copy-paste the cell values within the table view to simulate.

The Simulation results that will be displayed are discussed here already.


For an in-depth analysis of scenarios and simulation results, check this section: Node Scenario Analysis.

The effect of simulation performed on a node can be seen only on the levels above the simulated node. It does not impact the descendant nodes. To achieve both bottom-up and top-down implementations, you can use the Plan Tab.

Last updated