
Visualize the model in hierarchical tree or table, Run Simulations on-the-fly and Present them as interactive charts

Simulations help businesses make informed decisions by testing out different scenarios and seeing the results. ValQ helps users create and compare multiple scenarios, perform in-depth scenario analysis, and visualize and present them to their team.

Highlights of the Simulate tab:

  • Simulate on the fly and perform a what-if analysis

  • Create and compare multiple scenarios

  • Assign important nodes as KPIs and key inputs to track progress

  • Identifying the key drivers of performance

  • Evaluate performance against a benchmark

  • Present the simulation results for multiple scenarios

  • Add notes for your reference.

  • Comment, Share and Collaborate with your team

  • Export the scenarios to other BI sources for analysis

  • Write back data and comments to the source(files, SharePoint, databases, etc.)

Comments, Collaboration, Export, and Writeback features are available in ValQ Enterprise Edition

Let us see the steps to create and manage scenarios for effective value driver planning and the insights we can gain from it.

Last updated