Dynamic Model
A Dynamic Model gets built from the data source, instantly at the click of a button. The structure of the model is taken from the categories assigned to the visual and each level adds up one over the other.
After importing the data using the steps explained in the Get Data section, choose Dynamic Model and click Create.
Dynamic Model option gets enabled only after you have assigned Category and Values fields to the visual.
Dynamic model gets built instantly as shown below.
This type of model is termed dynamic as ValQ automatically updates your model whenever the categories are added, removed, or re-arranged. Since Dynamic models are flexible in nature they can be immensely useful for scaling your model.
Refer to this section for more help on assigning fields to the visual.
The nodes on a dynamic model, referred to as dynamic nodes, are locked/disabled by default except for the root node. Ideally, you can not configure, move, or remove them.
Working with dynamic models
A Dynamic model can be edited while keeping its dynamic nature in the following ways.
1. Add Nodes to Root Node
New nodes can be added to the root node in two ways.
1.1. Add nodes using Template
1.2. Add nodes using the 'Add New Node' option
1.1. Add Nodes Using Template
In a dynamic model, new nodes can be added to the root node using templates. Refer to this section to read more about it.
Find below the image of a dynamic model with a template added using Add New Node-> Add Node using Template.
1.2. Add Nodes using the 'Add New Node' option
New child nodes can also be added to the root node using the other options available in the Add New Node menu. Check out the steps here to learn how to add new nodes to the model.
The below image shows a dynamic model with a new node added through Add New Node-> Text.
2. Replace/Insert Nodes with Template
You can edit the dynamic model using templates by way of replacing the existing nodes or just inserting the template nodes within the model. Let us see both the ways below.
2.1. Replace nodes using templates
Replacing the existing dynamic node structure with template nodes is one of the ways to edit a dynamic model, without converting it. The template nodes are introduced in relation to the existing nodes while still keeping the entire model dynamic and locked for node-level edits. To learn about replacing dynamic nodes using templates, refer to this section.
Click on Templates->Apply Template->Replace Nodes with Template to replace dynamic nodes with templates.
The below image shows a dynamic model where some nodes are replaced by template nodes as highlighted below.
2.2. Insert nodes using templates
Inserting template nodes at multiple levels within a dynamic model is another way to edit it. In this method, the existing dynamic nodes are not replaced but new nodes are inserted by way of templates wherever required. Refer to this section to know more.
Click on Templates->Apply Template->Insert New Nodes with Template to insert nodes within the dynamic model.
In the following example, the template ‘Pastries’ is added to the dynamic model at each Region level.
You can also click on the below icons to replace the nodes or insert them with template nodes.
Convert as Editable Nodes
In this case, the model ceases to be dynamic when you convert it to an editable one. Following are the steps to convert:
In the Model Tab menu bar, choose Convert Dynamic to Editable.
Click Yes to confirm.
The model is now converted, enabling us to edit, configure, and customize the nodes as required.
It is recommended that the model be converted only when required and as the last option.
The template structure within the model remains unalterable. To edit the template, you can use the Templates menu.
While converting a dynamic model makes it static, it provides various options to customize the model according to your needs.
To learn how to configure the nodes, you can refer to the Model Editor section.
Last updated