Understanding the Node Components

Nodes are the building blocks of the hierarchical tree/table model.

In the tree view, just like a tree, there is a top node that branches out to multiple nodes. Each node represents a value driver or a KPI or a category name along with several performance metrics.

In the table view, the nodes are presented in the form of a hierarchical table with total and individual period values, in which the levels can be expanded or collapsed.

In this section, let's see about the components of a node in detail.


Baseline series is the primary series on which the simulations are performed.

Comparison series is the series against which the Baseline is compared. It is optional to have a comparison series while creating a scenario.

In the below image, there are two series available, Baseline and a Comparison.

  • Baseline and Comparison series can be a data series or any plan series that has been created by the user.

  • Simulations are done on the baseline series only.

  • You can have no comparison series, or you can have any existing series as a comparison series that you can pick from the dropdown.

Other Pop-up Features

Let us see some more features that pop-up when you hover your mouse over the nodes. There are three options available in the top right corner: Focus Node, Add Note and a three-dot dropdown menu. Within the menu we have Edit Node, Add to KPIs and Add to Key Inputs options.

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